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I want to install a WisDom, but I own large dogs (150 lbs) and several cats...what can I do?

The pound rating for pet-immune motion sensors is not as important as height.  The WisDom pet-immune motion sensor has a dead-zone of 3’ 7” when the detector is mounted at 7’ 11” off the floor.  If your animals can reach areas higher than that, you can either mount the detector higher in order to increase the dead zone, or you can use the included white stickers to “block out” custom zones.  This way, if your cats like to traverse high areas such as the fireplace mantle, you can block out that specific wall, leaving the rest of the beam intact.

A second theory to getting around the pet motion sensor issue is to rely mostly upon door, window, and shock sensors.  If you protect each door and window and pane of glass in the house with door/window and shock sensors, then you do not need to use as many motion detectors.